Saturday, June 4, 2016

i've got my eye on you

I apologize for my recent hiatus. As you can see from the above picture, my nails got quite a bit shorter. I got a guitar for Christmas, something I have always wanted, but it meant having to trim (read destroy) my nice long nails. I procrastinated chopping them off as long as I could, but I really wanted to start playing so I finally bit the bullet and cut them. Anyway, guitar has been going great but I was seriously lacking in inspiration with my new stubby little nails. Eventually, Chiara Ferragni came to my rescue. Her blog, The Blond Salad, is fabulous and definitely will inspire major wardrobe jealousy and a overwhelming sense of wanderlust. She has her own clothing line with these charming flirting loafers featuring a whole lotta glitter and winking eyes--they're on my wish list. I thought it would be cool to do a little eyeball design on my short nails, my guitar teacher however probably found it a bit creepy being watched. 

To begin I painted a thin coat of butter LONDON's Horse Power Nail Fertilizer and another thin coat of their Nail Foundation Flawless Basecoat. If you haven't noticed, I LIVE BY THESE PRODUCTS!! I really wanted to keep a matte and minimalist which is why I like the look of the foundation as a base. Next, I painted a small half moon shape at the bed of each nail in butter LONDON's white Cotton Buds. 

Using a dotting tool, I then painted a small blue dot in the center of each white space. I used butter's Keks for this nice bright blue. I then went back through with the dotting tool but this time with a black, Union Jack Black, and put a smaller dot right in the center of the blue one. 

Using the black polish, I then painted some eyelashes on my ring finger for a little accent. Unlike usual, I only applied the topcoat to the colored part of the design, avoiding the natural colored base. I used Seche Vite topcoat and a thin brush to apply it just to the eyes. I really liked the finished look and it certainly made me feel a little more confident about my short little nails. butter LONDON seemed to like it too and reposted my design on their Instagram! Always a nice surprise. Do you have any suggestions for short nail looks? Let me know! 


  1. that is some really pretty nail art done there. Ive always had short nails so i didnt know much about nail art but ill be definitely trying some out after this post.

  2. Thanks for sharing amazing information !!!!!!
    Please keep up sharing.
