n e g a t i v e s p a c e

Despite my love of nail art, I have always had an affinity for plain white nails. In an attempt to do something both unique and simple, I decided to play with the idea of negative space--leaving part of the nail unpainted. Unlike my usual routine, I did not use a coat of butter LONDON's Nail Foundation in an effort to avoid discoloration of the natural nail and disruption of the negative space affect. I started by painting an outline of the starburst pattern at the nail bed with butter LONDON's white Cotton Buds on each nail. After I completed the outline, I filled in the top with two coats of the white. To finish the look I painted one coat of Seche Vite top coat for a nice defined shine over the natural nail, and a coat of Essie's Matte About You matte topcoat over the white for some differentiation. Being a freehand artist I don't every use tape in my designs, however in this particular design I think it would have looked better had I used tape as the definition would have looked a bit better if it were more pronounced. What do you think of this negative space look? 


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