Thursday, September 19, 2013

wrapping up autumn

As the temperatures have been declining and I am growing accustom to seeing frost on the grass as I walk to class every morning, I figured I better get one last autumn themed post in before winter hits us full on. I came across a technique while scanning the web and thought that it would fit perfectly with the autumn nails I had in mind. I wanted to get some sort of leaf-like print and color scheme on my nails and thought the saran wrap technique would best translate that. 
To start, I painted one coat of butter LONDON's Nail Foundation Flawless Basecoat, and one coat of butter's Old Blighty. After letting that dry, I used butter's Minger and Bumster to paint segments of each nail. I painted this part completely arbitrary, trying to avoid a very obvious color block look. 

After my nails were completely dry, I prepped everything for the next phase. I ripped off about a foot of saran wrap, and picked a dark polish--butter LONDON's La Moss. Doing one nail at a time, I painted one coat of La Moss then quickly, using a wadded up part of the saran wrap dabbed the wet polish on the nail. On some nails I dabbed more than once, and used different pieces of the saran wrap to ensure a different look on each nail. I thought the end result actually looked very much like my leafy autumn inspiration. After dabbing every nail with the saran wrap and letting it set for a bit I painted one coat of Seche Vite topcoat on every nail. Personally, I liked the way it imprinted on my left hand better than my right, especially on my middle finger. 

I wore them like this for about a week, and had a really positive reaction. One of the best things about this look is that the saran wrapping technique is very easy to replicate at whatever skill level. I would love to try it out with just two colors, maybe a neutral and a china blue? After a week I got a package in the mail from a recent Sephora purchase (i had some wicked VIB deals, so I couldn't pass up a little spree) containing the Sephora for O.P.I. 18 karat gold topcoat. I thought it might look cool over top this design to add a little texture so I tried it out. The gold in the topcoat is very fine, and it would take a few coats to really get some coverage on your nail. Here's what two coats looked like overtop my week-old autumn nails.
Originally at $30 a bottle, I thought it a bit ostentatious to be wearing 18 karat gold on my nails, but being able to buy it at $12 with all my coupons I thought it still ostentatious, but at least at a reasonable price.  How do you feel about real gold polish and my autumn look? 

Old Blighty                     Minger                   Bumster                   La Moss

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