someday my (frog) prince will come

So this design is a little off from my usual style--but it was just too cute to pass up. Im sure all of you have heard the story of the frog prince. Im talking about the classic Brothers Grimm fairytale, not Disney's The Princess and the Frog--I mean really, you cant go adding another princess into the mix...they are classics for a reason. Anyway, a friend showed this little design to me on pinterest and I thought I would give it a go. 
After applying one coat of butter LONDON's nail foundation, I used butter LONDON's Trout Pout for the main coat. Next using butter's Bossy Boots, and Cream Tea, I painted the frog. For the crown I used Cheeky Chops. Using Urban Outfitters Eyes Wide Shut (which is now getting a little thick and clumpy--fortunately butter LONDON's Union Jack Black is currently en route to save the day) I outlined everything on the two nails. With a dash of Trout Pout on for the cheeks of my frog and a coat of SV topcoat, the look was complete!

So after completion of the design, I wore it around for a day and whenever someone asked me to see my nails I would oblige them with a "ta-da" as I crowned my charming little frog prince. This got old real fast, and I felt the need for an update. Unfortunately most people thought it was too cute to eradicate so quickly and I was persuaded by a kind soul to give my frog prince a few more hats to wear. So here he is (or possibly "she" since there is now the option of a bow--though if he's going drag who am I to judge), my little french frog, girly frog, princely frog, or party frog. I'll give it an hour before he suffers death by acetone. 


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