Happy Birthday, America (a few weeks late)! So being the the 4th is a super busy tourist time, I have had no time to do my nails, let alone blog. I did this firework design to celebrate Independence Day in between shifts using all butter LONDON polishes. Originally I wanted to paint the fireworks on a black background, but the fireworks weren't showing up overtop of it, so I settled for a neutral base. After one coat of butter LONDON nail foundation flawless basecoat, I applied one coat of butter's Tea With the Queen. Next using, Come to Bed Red, Blagger, and Cream Tea I painted the fireworks design on each finger. To add a little sparkle, I painted overtop the fireworks with Frilly Knickers, which is an opaque glitter polish. I finished it off with a coat of SV topcoat and was ready for the festivities!
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