nude vs. neon

I recently discovered a new nail polish obsession, Illamasqua--and of course it's a cult British brand. The colors are so rich and only take two coats for solid coverage. I decided my nail polish collection was seriously lacking in neons, and being that neons and color blocking are both very in for spring, I decided to center my Illamasqua purchases around that. The fact that Sephora carried Illamasqua, only added to my excitement as I had another excuse to build up my point count (YAY!!). So I ended up purchasing three neon varnishes: Jo'mina (purple), Rare (yellow), and Gamma (orange). 

For this look, I wanted to not only test out my new polishes, but experiment with mixing two conflicting looks: nudes and neons. I have done a lot of color blocking designs, but never leaving my nail bare in the gaps. I started by applying one coat of Butter London nail foundation on my nails for a clean nude look. I then began cutting strips of scotch tape and positioning them on my nails in various patterns. One the tape was secured I used two coats of Gamma, Rare, and Jo'mina to fill in each of the blocks created between the pieces of tape. After letting that dry for about 20 minutes I peeled off the tape revealing the nude lines between the colors and finished it off with one coat of SV topcoat. So, what do you think? Do you like the juxtaposition of the nude and neon? 


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