fa la la it's christmas eve eve!

It's Christmas Eve Eve!!

Today happens to be my favorite day of the year. Christmas Eve Eve is perfect because I spend the whole day with my sister and we always conclude by watching Eloise at Christmastime while drinking hot chocolate and then sleep under the Christmas tree, falling asleep beneath hundreds of multicolored, twinkling lights. The magic of Christmas is in full force today, which is why I prefer the day to Christmas itself. You spend days and days decking the halls, listening to christmas music and tuning in to the overwhelming amount of cheesy, predictable, yet addicting christmas movies and then as soon as Christmas hits, it's all over--back to reality. That's why Christmas Eve Eve is so wonderful...it's at the height of all the anticipation and joy the Christmas season brings. Anyway, here is today's holiday nails, hope you enjoy and take a moment to enjoy this fabulous day!

As usual I started off with one coat of butter LONDON's Nail Foundation Flawless Basecoat and two coats of Cream Tea. I decided to use all glitter polishes (despite the absolute pain they are to get off) by butter for this design. For the green ornament I used Swinger, red--Chancer, blue--Scallywag, silver--one coat of Diamond Geezer for the base then one coat of the more transparent, high impact glitter Fairy Cake. To decorate each ornament I used my favorite golden glitter, West End Wonderland to paint a pattern on each bulb. Using a thin brush and Union Jack Black I painted the hook on each one. Finished everything off with one coat of O.P.I.'s topcoat (courtesy of Grandma) and my Christmas Eve Eve nails were fa la la la finished. 

Top: Cream Tea                             Swinger                              Chancer                       Scallywag
Bottom: Union Jack Black            West End Wonderland             Diamond Geezer           Fairy Cake   


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