all hail the giveaway

Three cheers to all my fabulous followers! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hoor--ok so I'm not going to be so obnoxious as to write that all out, but I really am grateful for all the support my readers have shown me. Since starting my blog in January I have passed 300 followers on blogger, 20k hits on my blog, 1800 likes on facebook, and 1000 pins on pinterest. To show my thanks I am doing my second giveaway!! Three cheers to that--ha just kidding. Anyway, I chose to giveaway a brand new bottle of my all time favorite butter LONDON polish: All Hail the Queen. This polish was my first butter LONDON purchase and inevitably lead to my obsession. The opaque, holographic beige looks great any season and is a polish must have. Not to mention, with the Queen's diamond jubilee having just passed what better way to pay Her Majesty a little homage?

So you probably want to know how to enter right?
All you need to do to qualify for my giveaway is to:
  1. Be following me via Google Friend Connect (click "join this site" on the right sidebar under "followers"). All you need is a blogger account, or a gmail account!!
  2. Leave a comment on this post with your name and your email address. 
One entry not enough? Get an additional entry for each of the following:
  1. Following via bloglovin' (link on the right sidebar). Include your follower number in your comment. 
  2. Like my facebook page (link on the right sidebar). Leave your facebook name in the comment on this post. 
  3. Share my blog on your facebook, twitter, blog, or tumblr (1 additional entry for each). Include which you did and the appropriate link(s) in the post comment. 
  4. Pin your favorite of my nail designs on pinterest. Include your pinterest name in the comment. 

This means you have the opportunity to be entered up to 8 times! The winner will be chosen at random and contacted via email. This is an international giveaway so don't let distance stop you from entering! Again, thanks so much for all the support and love for varnish vixen. xoxo


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